A third grade teacher recently asked me if I had any resources that would build reading comprehension with her ELLs. Around the same time, I began co-teaching an ESL class for the parents of our elementary school students and training volunteer tutors in our local family literacy outreach program.
The parents, the teachers, and the volunteers all needed something that was easy to use and that could be adapted for different levels of reading proficiency and Lexile levels. I wanted the resource to be useful for the adults and fun for the children. I wanted to promote academic language and a love of reading simultaneously. These cards are the result.
- Every card is bilingual so teachers who don’t speak or read Spanish can include their students. Parents who don’t speak or read English can enter into conversations with the children.
- Questions are worded so they can be used with any text.
- Skills are color coded so you can practice one skill set at a time: Author’s Purpose, Characters, Story Plot, and Inferring
- Each skill has a carefully selected icon to reinforce the concept. For example, the Infer cards have a detective.
- Academic language is incorporated in the cards with student friendly explanations.
Try them out and let me how they work for you! Just click here to get to TpT.
Thanks and happy teaching! More bilingual materials are in the works…