Our job is to teach language and content to ELLs from K-12, at all levels of English Language Development (ELD), and in every subject area. To do this, we need to intertwine:
ELD standards
Social and instructional English as well as academic English in Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies (developed by WIDA and adopted by NC)
Common Core Standards
English Language Arts and Math (developed across the country and adopted by NC and 43 other states plus DC and USVI)
Essential Standards
Science, Social Studies, Information and Technology Skills (ITS), the Arts, Healthful Living, World Languages, and the Occupational Course of Study (developed in NC)
These standards share an emphasis on higher level thinking as exemplified in
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
You can access all of the above standards by clicking on the links or using the drop down menu in the tabs across the top of each page.
DPI has released a 64 page document on Unpacking the ESL Standards. If you scroll through it, you will find good sentence frames that model how to teach ELD standards within each content area.